The Zammer Review was where you could find the latest and greatest reviews on popular and not-so-popular movies.

I started The Zammer Review in middle school after watching movies and realising that I had thoughts about them — a lot of thoughts (some funny, some harsh), and that I wanted to share those thoughts. With the help of my sister, I created a blog to review movies and shows. Forty-two lighthearted posts later, time passed and trivial everyday things such as homework and activities occupied my schedule. Gone were the days in which I watched movies with an intense focus, and gone was my attention span with it. Along with many of my childhood hobbies and interests, The Zammer Review was shelved indefinitely.

It’s been seven years since I last posted on The Zammer Review, and since then, I’ve watched many movies. There were some times that I thought, “Hmm. I feel some type of way about this. I wish I still had my website to share it.” But in my head, The Zammer Review was the juvenile blog of a bored twelve-year old who hadn’t yet found her voice as a writer. I never felt so impassioned about a flick that I was compelled to write, edit, and publish a piece on it.

I noticed, though, that there have been many more times where I’ve felt so strongly about something that wasn’t movies. On a few occasions, I wrote about them. Sometimes the thing that inspired me was a book I read, sometimes an institution I disagreed with, sometimes a person I admired.

As an engineering student, I rarely have assignments in which I get to write or think critically. As a highly analytical person, I felt disconnected to myself as I chugged away at equations and labs. I’ve missed that side of myself– the outspoken, funny, vocal person who had an opinion about a lot of things.

Like any Millennial/Gen-Z cusper, I like to share things on the internet: funny things, interesting things, beautiful things. In general, though, I’m not a big fan of sharing personal things on the internet. Similar to any great work of literature, irony is always a big part of the story.

I decided to re-launch the site, this time as The Zammer Review 2.0. This time, I’ll review, well, anything. It could be movies. It could also be books, classes, politics, restaurants, events, music, the list goes on and on. Anything I feel passionate enough to collect my thoughts and write a piece on, I’ll review. The great irony is this: there’s nothing more personal than sharing one’s views and opinions on something. But there’s also something greatly cathartic, for me at least, about writing one’s thoughts down.

As much as this site might look like a narcissistic cry for attention or an entitled woman’s presumption that the world is dying to read what she has to say, it’s not that at all. It’s more just an outlet for me to write down my thoughts in a way that forces me to truly experience my life, not just live it. If people read it, so be it.

With all of that said, I’d like to officially welcome you to The Zammer Review 2.0 — not reviewing only movies this time.

